The CSA uses cookies.
The Department of CAKE (Cryptic Analytical Keys to Encryption) sets cookies to track the ways that an agent interacts with the CSA website. These are first party cookies.
The CSA also uses cookies by other companies. These are third party cookies and include Google Analytics which tracks agent progress on our site.
Some cookies are necessary to help run some essential features of our site, such as agent login. Without them, our services cannot be provided.
Some cookies collect information on the performance of our site - like how many agents are visiting the site and how they’re using it. We use them to make sure we’re making the best possible experience for our agents. Examples of these cookies include Google Analytics.
We never use cookies to advertise or sell things to you.
You can’t eat these cookies.
These cookies are small files of letters and numbers that are stored on your computer. They tell the CSA how you’re using the site.
These cookies are not delicious baked goods. Those cookies are only available from the Department of OVEN (Old & Valuable Edible Notes).
They don’t last forever.
There are two types of cookies: Session and Persistent. The Department of CAKE has decided to give them code names. So from now on Session cookies = Sugar cookies, and Persistent cookies = Peanut cookies.
Sugar cookies only stay around for as long as you have a website open. When you close the website, the cookies will disappear until you next arrive. Peanut cookies are a bit more sticky. They will still be around after you’ve left the website and remember you when you come back.
However, even peanut cookies don’t last forever. Most of them will only last for 2 years (since you last visited the website). After that, they’ll be deleted.
CIA | | x | 1 year | Secret rating ?/5 |
Cloudflare | | x | 1 year | Weather warning 3/5 |
Google Analytics | x | x | Up to 19 years (most are 1-2 years) | Oogle rating 4/5 |
Mouseflow | | x | 1 year | Pet rating 4/4 |
Typeform | x | x | Up to 10 years (most are less than 2 years) | Formy-ness rating 1/3 |
We don’t share our cookies unless we have to.
We don’t make the cookies ourselves, so we have to share this data with other companies who make them - i.e. Google, who make Google Analytics. We aren’t big enough to make cookies ourselves (yet).
You can stop us from collecting cookies.
You can change your browser’s settings so that it will tell you when information is being collected, or refuse to allow cookies altogether. This will affect every website, not just the CSA. It could lead to other websites acting oddly, not keeping you logged in, or not remembering what your favourite video was. Please ask your trusted adult before you change anything.
You can learn more about cookies for
Firefox, and
Internet Explorer. For other browsers, check the help section for more information.
If you deactivate cookies, then we won’t be able to keep track of your progress once you leave the website.
You can look at the cookies.
Google Chrome is the perfect browser for investigating cookies. Right click the page, and click ‘Inspect’. From there click ‘Application’, then ‘Cookies’, and you can see all the cookies that a website uses. You can do this for any website you want. Can you spot anything unusual about the CSA’s cookies?
APPROVED 04/06/2020
Head of CAKE